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Friday, September 17, 2010

Dust Clouds of the South Part 4

Nine months since the fall of Thebes, nearly two years since the great Evoker left the Southern Sands.

The streets of Alexandria were filled with cheers. The Imperial army had finally arrived! Unlike the hastily conscripted militia of the south, these were well trained warriors from barracks of Constantinople.

Like the rest of the young men, Basti could not help but admire the uniforms wore by the new arrivals, their huge horses and the coats of mail that shine like silver coins in the sunlight. How he wished that he could be on of the Emperor’s cavaliers! But it was not the heavy cavalrymen that caught the people’s attention nor was it the fleet footed light horsemen that equally skilled with bow and spear. The people could only stare as they sighted the latest arrivals. These soldiers were a head shorter than most men but they are huge. Each warrior’s girth was twice that of the largest soldier that Basti had ever since so far. A fellow comrade whispered into Basti’s ear, “These are the Dawi, guardians of the North from far beyond the Great Realm, they are not human.”

Basti’s reply came swift, “After witnessing the vile sorceries of the Great Evoker and his army, this is exactly what we need.”


“Thebes fell nearly a year ago and after that insurgents in Siwa opened the city’s gates to the enemy. The entire Upper Aegyptus has fallen to the enemy.”

Prince Rognar Fireforge snorted as he heard the reports. The local forces had lost every battle in nearly two years! Rognar could not imagine anyone who could lose so many battles and not feel ashamed. The Dwarven prince sighed and thought to himself, “In a way I am also here to atone for my disgrace.” For it was known among the nobility that Prince Fireforge was the one who defeated the Great Evoker two hundred years ago in the Battle of the Silver River. Instead of seizing or killing the traitor, it was the Prince’s negligence that allowed the warlock to escape and became the menace that he is now. Rognar is sent here today to finish what he failed to accomplish previously.

“So what are the Emperor’s orders?” Lord Ahmose asked. Despite losing Thebes to the rebels, he still possessed an army of ten thousand men and the dispossessed governor is anxious to restore his lost charge before it was being re-assigned to another feudal lord.

Rognar pointed a finger towards one of the major river crossings. “Here! We will blockade the roads between Siwa and Thebes. We will pretend to try to cut the cities off but in reality, we will be forcing a pitch battle. There we will grind the foe into dust with our armoured horses and men. We will slay all of them and leave none alive. Here, in the crossing of Jawa will I, Rognar Fireforge, undo my disgrace. Gather the men, we march for war!”


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