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Wednesday, December 29, 2004

who has failed who

Jane said something that make me very unhappy. To make the matter worse, she expect me to act as nothing has happened. You spend more than 6 months to know a person, to understand her and when u find that she is suitable, spend an entire holiday trying to convinve her. When it all failed, she expect u to act as nothing has happened. She is always trying to push me away to other women. "why dun u try going out with other girls and have different experiences." HEY MAN i m not a desperate horny bastard that goes for anything that wear skirts and moves.

its ok if she feels that its not the time for a relationship but at least give me a proper answer and not something as stupid as "i dun think i m mature enough", come on there is a first time for everything...if she tells me she is afraid as its her first time and she needs more time or something lidat i will understand. but to talk abt maturity its absurb.

In addition, she should not expect me to act like a hypocrite as if nothing has happened. I m very very unhappy.


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