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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Fluff - Sneaky operation in Lashiek

Hi Draig,

Now that the entire Gold Coast is locked, my character, Tomb King Ramses will see this as a golden opportunity to sneak into the city of Lashiek and steal the mummy of Tomb King Meterfir right under the noses of the Pact. I hereby write a short fluff regarding this covert operation, hope you are willing to make this an official fluff.

Lashiek, a city plagued with disease and death. While most of its human population are quarantined indoors, the army of Tomb King Ramses see this as a golden opportunity to steal right under the noses of the living. Carrion birds circled the skies spying for the armies of the undead while Tomb King himself devised a strategy with his advisors.

Nightfall, Hierophant Imhotep crept towards one of the more isolated towers of the city wall. The carrion were right, there is only a single guard. Waving his staff of ravening, Imhotep send a cloud of ravaging locusts to the lone Arabian guard, stripping pieces of flesh off the poor victim. When the body is to be discovered the next morning, most will simply regard it as a advance stage of the plague and none will notice anything.

Using his cloak of dunes, Imhotep lift himself off the ground and flew into the city, accompanied by the carrion. Just as he was wondering about his reinforcements being late, the ground near a refuse dump broke open and two tomb scorpions emerged. Even more amusing was that an entire regiment of skeleton warriors was trailing behind the scorpions, crawling on all fours. Imhotep smiled, the living has no monopoly over covert operations.

The undead host move into the more isolated part ofthe city and slowly make their way to Lashiek Arcane University. The plague has made the journey an uneventful one. In less than an hour, Imhotep found himself facing the sarcophagus of Tomb King Meterfir.

Far easier than I thought, clucked the Hierophant. Just as he commanded two skeletons to lift the sarcophagus, there was a loud noise and a piece of green warpstone hit himself in the shoulder. Skaven!

The skeleton warriors immediately form a shield wall around the hierophant who in turn sent a blast of dark energy into the general direction of his attackers. A squeal was heard and Imhotep could make out pairs of red eyes in the gloom of the university premises.

"Death Rain", Imhotep commanded telepathically and soon half of the skeleton warriors were readying the bows and firing into the skaven attackers. The ratmen tried to take cover in the darkness but this was uneffective under the magical gaze of the undead archers.

The exchange was a short one, as tomb scorpions soon made fell on the Skaven massacring them. "Quick, we must leave at once" commanded Imhotep and the undead party soon made their way out of the university halls, bringing with them casket of the mummified king.

--hours later--

Tomb King Ramses finally gave a sign of relief when the ground beneath him cracked and tomb scorpions tunneled out. His Hierophant has diligently tied the sarcophagus onto the back of the scorpion which slowly crawled in the sands beneath Lashiek and finally made its way to the IMC camp. Ramses can only praise the gods of Sobek, Ra and Horus that the scoripon returned safely and not get lost. Lifting the lid of the casket, Ramses stared at the still sleeping mummied body of King Meterfir. "Well well Meterfir, its time to unleash your legions. Settra is coming and we are to form his vanguard.... "


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