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Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Animosity 3 Campaign Battle 2 and 3

Using the cover of the night, the Tomb King army once again marched to the site of their previous battle to salvage battle equipment and was ambushed by a Druchii Scouting party.

The battle began with a shower of crossbow bolts from the druchii lines. 12 reaper bolts and 66 crossbow shots rained on the battlefield with heavy casualties incurred on Tomb King Ramses' merchant allies. But the human sailors and pikeman stand firm.

To the tomb kings fortune, the druchii general's cold one chariot went stupid and move forward into the center of battlefield. Giving a semblance of a warcry, the entire undead force charged forward. Prince Seti began an incantation to make his troops attack and the tombguard managed to kill the enemy with a killing blow. However the enemy refuse to break. Other forces charge the druchii line which wisely chose to flee with the exception of a bolt thrower that is destroyed. The Druchii counterattack with Noble Varek hitting the tombguard in the flank with a dark rider unit.

Meanwhile shades continue to bring a heavy death toll on the remaining human troops of the undead army. The pike suffer great casualties but hold.

Eventually Noble Varek's unit managed to kill the hierophant and the tombguard unit, leaving the general Prince Seti alone. However it was this point in time that the tombking launch a full heavy cavalry charge to support the prince. They could not prevent Prince Seti from being killed by Varek but they manage to help the Undead win combat. The dark riders and Varek fled and hit the pikemen and were destroyed. However the chariot still holds.

However defeat is just a battle of time for the tomb kings. The cold one chariot eventually destroy the heavy cavalry unit (despite losing for 6 rounds of combat) while the pikemen were eventually wipe out by a combined charge of shades and harpies. The rest of the tombking army either crumbled or were shot to beats.

By daybreak, the dark elves were left on the field and the tomb kings were totally destroyed.


A Tombking army supported by mercenaries of the merchants fought an army of Araby.

Turn 1 Tombking army move forward, all magic dispelled. Killed 1 janissary by shooting

Turn 1Araby: Magic missile is dispelled. Cast spell 6 but failed. Roar of janissary guns but inflict only 2 wounds on Tomb King chariots. All other shooting on tombkings are ineffective.

Turn 2 TK: Carrion charge archers. tombking chariot charge janissaries. The Arabians expect a failed charge so they stand and shoot. No casualties on the chariots. However the charge went in (it was 15 inches away). Tomb king magic phase tried to magic charge a war elephant with the bone giant. Araby rolled 3 dice but failed. Bone Giant charge in. Cause NO wounds. War elephants strikes back and cost 2 wounds. Bone giant barely survives with 2 wounds left. Tomb king light cavalry kills 1 light camel in shooting. Tombking chariots breaks janissary and run them down (neighboring spear conscript unit panics and fled, they never rallied). Carrion lost combat and leaving only 1 carrion with 1 wound left.

Turn 2, Sipahis failed terror test, luckily only fled 4 inches. Light cav with bsb charge hired blades who fled and escaped. Heavy camels try to shoot heavy skeleton cav but no casualties were caused. Battle between the 2 monsters, elephant caused no wounds. Giant cause 2, broke elephant and run it down. Carrion destroyed by archers

Turn 3

Tomb King repositioned themselves. Scorpions show up and charge heavy camels who fled (and never rallied) Chariots and bone giant to ready to charge the sipahis. Heavy cavalry with lich priest move forward to get into range for lich priest magic, hierophant also flies in to position himself. Fleeing hired blades failed to rally and fled off board. The other unit moved near the light camels and prepare to shoot. Tombking magic, chariots magic charge sipahis who escaped. Scorpion magic charged archers who fled and escaped. Combination of magic and shooting killed 4 light camels, leaving BSB and 1 champion left.

Turn 3 Araby: Sipahis rallied. Archers rallied. BSB and camel charge hired blades, last camel died but BSB broke the hired blades and caught them.

Turn 4.

TK: Entire tombking army position themselves. Chariots charge archers who fled too little, chariot ram into sipahis. Bone giant magic charge into flank of sipahis. Combat. Sipahis wiped out, Vizor is killed by Tomb Prince and his chariot.

Araby: BSB move forward

Turn 5

Tomb scorpion magic charge into BSB. Killed BSB with 2 poison attacks.

Some thoughts.

- Most of the basic troops of the allied list sucks due to low leadership

- War Elephant is a beast. I am shocked by its stats.


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