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Saturday, May 04, 2013

Turning tide?

"Make way, make way.  I must speak to the commander!"

The warrior yelled and shove off the other soldiers in his path.  Seeing the commander's tent ahead of him, he sped ahead and fell head first into the structure.

"Apologies my Lady, reporting from the front."  The warrior gasped, trying to calm down before delivering the message.

"I am of the Egyptian Corps.  We manage to engage the invader's elite dark elven force and slay one of its generals.  Unfortunately we had some communication problems during the battle, the forces blundered at eighty per cent of our elephant corps were decimated.  We are unable to mount a major offensive as of now."

Commander in Chief Repanse De Lyonese listened and pondered.  She turn and look at the large map of the Northern realms before her.  A pyrrhic victory at Greenland.  Earlier in the day a messenger from the frontier guards reported a major defeat in the Siberian forests, it was to their fortune that the invaders did not follow up their victory by penetrating further south.

 The war is not going well.  Just a week earlier, they had celebrated the destruction of the enemy's main cavalry forces and suddenly they had a series of setbacks.  Repanse is concerned that her elite formations were slowly being destroyed and had to be replaced by less experienced forces.

As the battle of attrition drags on, who will have enough left for the final victory?


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