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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Repanse De Lyonese

HELLO.  Allow me to introduce myself, I am Repanse De Lyonese, the Chief of Staff in Vern's Human armies.  In a way I am a kind of Commander-in-Chief but I have not been leading armies to battles myself.  So far I merely assign generals and their respective armies around for the respective campaigns.  Not really a difficult job if you ask me as I simply distribute assignments based on who was available at the point in time rather than basing my decisions on ability

However, those leisurely days are over. I am now ordered to take a more active role and have to lead the human troops into battle.  In fact I was supposed to lead the expedition that was tasked to put down Hag Queen Hella's rebellion but fortunately the other generals (assigned AKA arrowed by me) managed to crush her forces even before I march out of Constantinople.  Unfortunately Hela escaped and now she is back with a huge army of Druchii slavers.  It is time for me to get my hands dirty and defeat her personally.

In addition to battle duties, I am not spared from the assignment of writing battle reports.  In the past we simply have to file hard copies but now with the advancement of mass media, the staff office is also responsible of publishing the materials for public perusal.  What tedious work!

So readers of this blog will see my face often.  Vern himself will no longer be writing about the battles unless it involves non-human troops (which is rare), or it involves matters of politics, morals andthe  economy.  Vern may also do some witnessing but he will avoid writing religious articles in general due to the sensitive nature of the subject matter.

Thank you for your kind attention.


Repanse De Lyonese
Chief of Staff, Commander in Chief of Human Armies


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