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Sunday, August 07, 2005

Rameses's Narrow Escape

...written by Rameses III, guardian of the Western Borderlands, Conqueror of Araby.

I am completing the journal instead of my scribe because the latter had been pierced and brought down by a goblin bolt thrower. Imhotep himself was knocked out by greenskin magic and was only saved thanks to the newly acquired Gem that we had fought three battles for. Even now the Lich Priest is discussing with me on future operation.

The Orc Warboss is one of the most cunning of his kind I have ever seen. Originally I had an easy time as his troops were extremely cowardly and many fled the battlefield whenever the cavalry and chariots attempt to charge them. In addition a screaming skull had smashed a single bolt thrower into pieces...unfortunately the other one killed my scribe. Hoowever the cunning enemy of mine sent a sucidal unit of goblin wolf riders and somehow they were brave enough to charge me in the unit was nearly annilated and I had to join Seti's squad for the rest of the battle. The worse was that when my archers countercharge, those fools fled, Only to destroy my archers in the end when I was busy elsewhere. Silly Goblins...I will hunt them down all if I have the time(But i must award the Skeleton Archer Champion who killed 2 wolf riders by melee). But anyway the main battle was against the orcish infantry as well as the strange creatures know as squigs. The squigs destroyed the scorpion king but were in turn were dispatched by the heavy Cavalry which in turn were wiped up by the Orc General's bodyguard. I then charge in with Seti as well as a unit of Chariots. I managed to drive the Orcs away(Killed 12 Orcs) but I did not pursue as I wanted to kill the other greenskins unfortunately, that Warboss rallied and I actually had to charge a second time(alone this time) to finish him off(which I did). Seti charged another Orc unit in the flank and thus securing a victory.

This battle taught me 3 things. Although the will of both me and Seti were sufficient to deliver blows into opposing really pains us without the resurrection spells of the priests. I think i really need the Banner of Undying LEgion. Second, before I chopped off his head, the orc warboss actually said that my two chariot team is weak. If he had enlisted the help of the black orc boyZ says he, their great strength can easily cleaved my chariots into two. Much as I do not want to admit, what they said is very true. Althogh my squad is designed to take such devastating attack, Seti is not. I will consider this carefully. Third, Horse Archers are important. I need an extra unit to take out lone characters and fanatics, etc.

Overall the battle was won. Once Imhotep is fully recovered we will sail for home. Beyond the straits are Nekheharan lands and I doubt I will be opposed. I have decided not to request for an Ebonian unit from Lord Settra. Their primitive shields will look out of place when marching alongside my Elite Infantry. I do not want to lose face in front of other Tomb Kings. Seti volunteered to lead the Heron Legion next time. If he performs well, I will used the resources meant for building chariots to equip my tomb guards.

----Rameses III

No matter wad i have decided to do with the tk, my de chariot crew will b painted first


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