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Friday, February 14, 2014

Griffons done

Yeah my first Epic 40k unit, the Griffons are done.

Here are some official background of the Griffon from GW

The Griffon Heavy Mortar Carrier is an Imperial Guard artillery vehicle based on the Chimera chassis and a cousin to the Basilisk and Medusa. It is designed to provide close to medium-range artillery support.

While the Griffon remains the most frequently-employed variant of the Chimera chassis,[2] Imperial commanders have increasingly allowed the Griffon to become something of a relic.[3] This is because of perceived drawbacks in the design, and so Griffon losses are not replaced, leading to the manufacturing rates of Griffons on many Forge Worlds to fall. Despite this trend towards eventual extinction, Griffons still remain a part of many regiments' inventories and still see combat on many worlds. During the Taros Campaign, many regiments fielded batteries of Griffons, including those of the 114th Cadian Mechanised Infantry Regimentwhich led the drive to relieve Hydro-processing plant 23-30.

Critics of the Griffon claim that its main weapon is too small to warrant its vehicular mounting, while tying up fire control and observation assets needed by much larger pieces. For its supporters though, the Griffon is the ideal compromise between weight, firepower, mobility and ease of use.[3] Its heavy mortar is excellent against infantry and light vehicles, freeing heavier artillery for use against more appropriate targets, and can maintain a high rate of fire. The vehicle is also capable of keeping pace with rapid advances for which heavier vehicles like the Basilisk are too slow to maintain.

Indeed, despite the many weaknesses of the Griffon, it is perfectly suited for supporting my Baran Siegemasters in offensive operations.  Its mortar is useful to assist the infantry in assaults while its heavy bolters can help during close range firefights.



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