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Monday, July 20, 2009

Saving a Farseer

Skimmers surf along the dusty plains of Kanya Prime. Within each vessel of war house a squad of aspect warriors, ready to shed blood in the name of Khaine. Their goal is none other than the fortress of Bal, in which of the greatest farseers of the Biel Tan was imprisoned.

But this is not an easy task. For the premises are guarded by five thousand imperial guard, veterens of the war at the Eye of Terror. Outnumbered ten to one, the Eldar warhost could not afford to storm the fortress but have to rely on stealth and cunning.

Farseer Bazakahin sat motionlessly in the middle of the dusty plains, his mind focused on the huge Imperial fortress far out in the horizon. He skimmed through the different threads of reality, trying to find means to break into the fortress with the minimum loss of lives. After hours of contemplation, he stood up, and project a single thought straight into the heart of the Imperial fortress.

“Macha, here we come.”


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