Unpainted Minis
In order of priority
1) Exorcist barrels
2) Warp Spiders
3) Striking Scorpions
4) Fire Dragons
5) Eldar Pathfinders
6) Wraithlord
7) 2nd Exorcist (concurrent with soldiers)
8) Mengil (shift to position 1 upon dark elf book release)
Other Unpainted Stuff
Penitent Engine
some Acro flaggelants
Inquisitor Retinue?
Potential Sister Repentia?
Eldar Characters?
1 Eldar Jetbike (for conversion???)
Eldar Vehicles?
3 war walkers
Cold One Knights Horde (Activate Upon release of 7th ed book?)
1) Exorcist barrels
2) Warp Spiders
3) Striking Scorpions
4) Fire Dragons
5) Eldar Pathfinders
6) Wraithlord
7) 2nd Exorcist (concurrent with soldiers)
8) Mengil (shift to position 1 upon dark elf book release)
Other Unpainted Stuff
Penitent Engine
some Acro flaggelants
Inquisitor Retinue?
Potential Sister Repentia?
Eldar Characters?
1 Eldar Jetbike (for conversion???)
Eldar Vehicles?
3 war walkers
Cold One Knights Horde (Activate Upon release of 7th ed book?)