Vern and his Wonderous Journeys

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Saturday, June 19, 2021

Stargrave Fluff

 The Vondire family have secured the planet FO-Gamma (Fallout Gamma) and its native population in the last war.


The family plans to use their new subjects to conquer and colonise more worlds.  However in the early stages of their colonisation attempts, it is discovered that PSH genome of the FO-Gamna does not allow them to interbreed with human populations of other worlds.  The gametes of the PSH tend to kill off those of other genome rather than forming Zygotes.  This will significantly slow down colonization programmes as the Vondire family will have to ship both male and female settlers when building new colonies.


Gregory Vondire has been tasked to venture to the outer Realms to seek genetic manipulation technology to cure the FO-Gamma colonist of their genetic complication.

Some Fantasy Fluff to tie my games/collection together


I use the Warhammer Fluff as the parent setting as most of my minis are Warhammer.


 [AOS] With the end of the Soul Wars launched by Nagash and thecease fire between the forces of Morathi and that of Sigmar, the Khainites of Flamescar Plateau felt secured enough to sent expeditions to the regions beyond.  Slaughter Queen Hellebron was assigned to lead an expedition to Ghur, the Realm of Beast.  To reach Ghur, Hellebron’s forces have to access the realmgate near the Chaos fortress of Castle Drakesbane, long held by the Khanites’ archfoes the Fist of the Everchosen.  Hellebron’s objective is to fight the way to the fortress, to either sack it or reduce it, so as to secure a secured line of communications to the Ghur Realmgate.  To achieve this goal, Hellebron has secured a fighting force of Witch Elves supported by Scathborne.  In addition, she expects to receive further support from the newly "liberated" Khanite city of Harr Kuron and her Aelven allies of Evergladia and Tiranoc-Ellyrion.

[Warlords of Erehwon] The Soul Wars had not been good to the Wood Elven Kingdom of Evergladia, originally the dominant power of Flamescar Plateau, the Wanderer clans have lost most of the holdings in the region to the forces of Sigmar.  The alliance with Morathi had nearly risked a full scale invasion of the home territories of Evergladia by Sigmar himself.  Now, with a breather provided by the ceasefire, Nomad Princess Eteranas Everglade has decided to find new lands to explore.  Already her scouts have reported a new land of Erehwon, an unexplored region away from the prying eyes of Sigmar.

[Frostgrave] Torn between their expedition into Erehwon, as well as their commitments to Khainites of Flamescar Plateau, the armies of Evergladia and Tiranoc-Ellyrion are stretched.  Garrisons in their holdings are being depleted to man the armies.  The leadership of the two elven kingdoms know that they are vulnerable and a potential solution was to make use of mass teleportation to move armies quickly from one warzone to another.  While the means to this end is not known, legends says that the dead city of Frostgrave holds many such long forgotten knowledge.  A small raiding party lead by Spellweaver Alarialle was thus sent to either seek the ancient knowledge or seize a magical artifact that will grant the kingdoms with the ability to perform mass teleportation.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Infinity the Game - Unmasking

 On 17 June, I have a game of infinity using my TAK against Jonathan's Yujing.  We played the unmasking mission.

This is how the deployment looks like.

Jon's forces are mostly deployed on his right flank while his left is anchored by the Guijia and two bounty hunters.  He also have two guys, a tiger troop and a Liu Xing (Comet) that are deployable from air. I have both of my Irmandinos in each flank.  The left flank was further reinforced by a war driver and two Streloks (all three with boarding shotguns) while the right flank is reinforced by another Strelok with mines, and a Ratnik.  My center is occupied by my fire team, with a backup doctor.  My line kazak lieutenant is hiding at the rear with my autocannon tankhunter in the rear center building.  The idea is that the troops in the center can reinforce either left or right if the need arises.

 Jon goes first.  His hacker uneventfully approaches the console and he reveals the actual HVT.  The tiger troop then deploys successful and killed the HVT.  His Comet air drop into my deployment zone beside my hacker.  I ARO my hacker into cover (dodge).  In his next order, he tried to kill my hacker but the multiple AROs knocked out all his wounds instead.  As he has no wound incap, he places the Comet in suppressive fire.  

Lastly, his guijia climb up a building to dominate the Los to his two HVT, ready to kill anything that can threaten them.

In my turn one, I move my Irmandinos forward, they will eventually reach the consoles and reveal his HVT and one decoy (both near his guijia).  But before that, my autocannon came out of the hiding place and using two orders, I took out the guijia.  

Blast the Guijia out of the way!

In my left flank, the hacker kills the Comet and advances, ready to support the left Irmandino.  My fire team also moved out, take out his tiger troop before hugging terrain and ready for  turn 2.

War Driver is ready to shoot anything,
even if the Irmadhino is in line of fire!

Good job, now hold this position

Yujing Turn 2, his right flank did a general advance (apologies that I cannot give much details as I dun understand Yujing much), killed my Irmandino and hacker.  

lots of unconcious models, ouch!

He also manage to cast spotlight onto my veteran kazak and send a missile over via his bot.  Killing the vet kazak and a line Kazak.  His guijia pilot tried to kill the FO of my remaining fire team but got killed by an ARO faceoff instead.

The center suddenly feels...spacious

TAK Turn two, I send my remaining Irmandinos to skirt round the walls to take out his HVTs, I did the smoke and move trick and was generally successful until just BEFORE my first target, I failed a dodge and went unconscious. It is left to the Ratnik!  I swap his team, make him move forward and climb over the wall.  This was then Jon's two bounty hunters aro me and tried to immbol me.  I passed all the saves.  The Ratnik then killed both the HVT and one decoy.  

The pink Irmadhino did a good run only to be knocked out in the final moment.  The Ratnik has to advance, climb over the wall and eat two shots before killing the HVT & decoy and securing a lead, which will accumulate in a victory eventually.  

With my last orders, I send the FO of the surviving fire team squad (they disbanded) and activate the last console, turning a potential draw to a win.

Yujing turn 3.  Jon's Ninja hacker move to the center and pressed the console, surviving all the ARO shots along the way.  However when he tried to let the ninja leave, a distant boarding shotgun shot finally took out the ninja (mimetism -6).  Jon's army thus hit breaking point and he retreats.  Actually he also notesd that he only have two orders left and he is unable to press the last console anyway.  So the game ends with a victory to the TAK.