Infinity the Game Session: Panic Room
I played a game of Infinity with Lawrence yesterday. (Yes I started the game for about 3 months already and even have a painted force but never update). The mission is Panic Room and I am using Ariadna Tartary Army Korps (TAK) vs the Nomad Correigdor. I was given the chance to choose deployment zone and go first.
During his turn 1, my opponent use his Mobile Bridgada with missile launchers to take out my two ARO pieces overlooking the panic room. He then releases two crazy koalas into the room and with a combination of Crazykoalas, and missile launcher shots, he took out all my models in the panic room with the exception of the camo marker. Fortunately lucky shots from my Line Kazaks took out two of his Mobile Bridgada. He also moved from his flank, his team Harris consisting of a Senior Massacre and two Jaguars into the room. End result, he score 2 points for dominating the room and having a scoring unit. I score one point for having a scoring model.
Turn 2, I move up an additional Irmandhino into the room and chain rifle his fire team Harris. After removing the team, my fire team move into the room and my doctor healed all the unconcious models in the room. This led me to recover all models except the Dog Warrior. During his turn, he send a Morant into the room but was killed by my AROs. He also healed all his Mobile Bridgada and release more crazy koalas. End of Turn 2, I scored two more points giving me a total of 3, Lawrence scored zero leaving him at 2.
Turn 3, I try to take out the crazy koalas (by eating hits) and try to move out of his Mobile Bridgada missile launcher piece's line of fire. However several successful ARO rolls led me to give up, I could not do anything but dodge, leading me to suffer many casualties along the way (he has good range modifiers plus fire team bonuses). I also "needlessly" lost a Strelok to ARO despite my superior odds. I do not want to risk losing anymore 20/30+ more points models so I just end my turn. Lawrence last turn. Fortunately for me, he has been taking risk and had ignored the encroaching biotechvores rules in this scenario (basically it is some kind of killy substances that makes the battlefield dangerous and reduce the size of safe spaces). He lost many models to the biotechvores and was seriously weakened. Nevertheless, he manage to enter the panic room and killed all my models safe for my Vet Kazak Lieutenant. He also manage to move another Morant and his Mobile Bridgada Lieutenant into the room, thus allowing him to dominate it. End result, he score 2 points from dominating the room and having a scoring model, while I score 1 from scoring model. It is a 4-4. But the final condition came in and I have 107 points vs his 60+, netting me additional 3 points to end with 7-4. The biotechvore has turned the tide for me!
Lawrence shared that he has insufficient orders to keep his models from harms from the biotechvores and still kill my models. Turn out that those lucky AROs from my Line Kazak slowed him significantly as he lost orders yet still need to spend more orders for his doctor to heal his models.
Even though I won, I am not sure if my strategy was the optimal one. In order to have more scoring units, I spent less points on heavy weaponry and was relying on rifle variants from Turn 2 onwards. I should have withdrawn my autocannon model once it got stunned by his ARO, but I lack orders after I moved all my chain rifle models into the room. So in short while my strategy led me to prevail, perhaps I could lose less models by doing things differently. If I play this mission next time, I will be taking a team Harris of Frontoviks in addition to the Fireteam Core. This will lead to more efficiency in utilizing orders. In addition, it gives me an additional scoring model which includes heavy weaponry.