Team Yankee Battle Report - World on Fire - Round 1 US vs Iran
I have signed up for BlitzMinis's World on Fire campaign and my first (and sadly only) game in Round One is vs Hongxi. This is my first game of Team Yankee against Hongxi and also my first game against him since SEVEN years ago (see link at where we had Epic 40k.
For this game I am using my beloved M60A1 US Marine formation (with 3 M1 IPMs!) against Hongxi's dual formation (Chieftain and T-62) Iran list.
My deployment consisted largely of two formations of M60s at each flank, and guarded by an anti-air unit. The flanks are connected by a small unit of Humvees in the middle.
The US left flank, I used the LAV-25's spearhead rule to let my M60s deploy in the safety of the forest |
Hongxi's left (my right). Chieftains behind a hill with a big fat unit of Basji and artillery in the forest. |
The Iranian right comprises of three chieftains and five T-62s. A small M113 infantry platoon held the objective. A small unit of 3 T-55s lies in the center. They will perform an important role later |
The Iranians kickstart the battle with the Basjis heading straight into the forest while the Chieftains crest the hill and take potshots at the lone M60 with the LAV-AD. They missed. |
On the Iranian right, the chieftains did a cautious advance with the T-62s behind. With no visible targets, the Iranians handed the turn to the Americans.
The American left did no better, eight shots from the M60s with no casualties incurred by the Chieftains. A disappointing turn one for both Iranians and Americans.
Iranian turn two, the Basji failed to rally. The chieftains fired at the exposed M60s and killed nothing!
On the Iranian right, the chieftains fired at the exposed M60s .....and killed nothing as well. For two turns the Iranian tanks had done nothing. |
For only a while more though, a TOW-2 from the Humvees caused the first Chieftain casualty of the game. Meanwhile the American artillery also manage to score another kill on the M113 transports. |
On the American right, the confident M60s fired again but uh oh....the chieftains passed everything. Maybe the US were too cocky.
Not so lucky this time! On the Iranian left, the chieftain score three kills while the Basji rallied charged out of the forest towards the objective. |
Turn 4 when the reinforcements arrived. |
end of American turn 5 when the Basji were defeated but the LAV-AD lost another of their number. |
But it was too late, Hongxi manage to take out 2 M60s which led to the last tank fleeing in my turn and causing formation break. The US forces were defeated. |
With hindsight one may argue that I should have deploy my IPMs first and leave my AA weaponry in reserve, conserving them for the crucial moments and not letting them got shot up. However, there was no way to really tell if Hongxi will put his aircraft in reserves or not! In the end, I chose the safer common route of putting my most expensive unit in reserve while deploying my AA early to shoot down his aircraft earlier (too bad he deploy them in reserves instead).
Well, it was great experience anyway so a win-win in my book. As mentioned, I have not fought HX for years. Losting this match for a chance to fight this battle is worth it.
P.S: I realise I posted in the wrong blog. But I am not going to change it since I took a lot of effort to make this post :). Also I would like to mentioned that due to unfortunate turn of Covid19 related events in Singapore, I would be sheltering at home and forgoing my games for Round Two of the campaign. There is a real likelihood that I will miss Round Three as well. It's a pity but there isn't really a choice here. Family matter first.