finally fought with yongchin this time with fully painted models on both sides...ya granted he modify his list a bit to suit that criteria. haha i also help to make his life easier by feeling mainly infantry. I use spearmen, corsairs, witchelves, executioner and crossbow men as detachment. i also have rbts and harpies and darkk riders.
the game is very his first turn i was rather demoralised by his gd rolls. he crush the harpies and D.riders to 2 left each. the high sorc was reduced to one wound and his light horse archers flank charge my spearmen and destroy the unit...its a violent shock.
i counterattack by shooting his horse archers...high sorc managed to save herself and panicked his orc spear horde with soul stealer.YC had placed his goblin heavy cav in front of my witch elves as a bait wfor me to charge...that i did but unfortunately the battle is a draw. YC's big uns with 2 hand weapon then charge me in the flank which destroyed my witch elves. my decimated executioners then did fanatic duty on turn 3 they charge his night goblin block and leaving his great shaman with an wound onli. the fella is later killed when the corsairs moved in and tesela knocked the shaman unconcious with her wand of Kharidon. the corsairs finally broke the night goblins and got into a dangerous position...flank facing the orc spear unit which had rallied...fortunately a dominion every turn save the corsairs and tesela from doom.
wat i cannot achieve in combat i achieve with shooting and magic...the big uns r reduced to half points(always nearly made him take panic test...always kill1 man short). the wolf riders both light and heavy were shot to death. the squig herd was shot by rxb and fled due to panic...some unfortunately incident with YC's squigs made the unit less than 25%...(squig ate ther herders). one point i had to admit is that due to the lack of space to put models...i accidentally cleared some squigs from the gaming table when i shift YC's casualties aside...although we tried to bring the models back to their original position...its not very accurate. fortunately YC's rolls seem to imply that the squig will not affect gameplay much as they die eventually. i must also admit that i always forgot to rally and had to rally a turn late...i have looked forward to this fight for a long time and was so excited that i missed rallying my men.
Overall its a great game and a bloody battle. The final result...DRAW. YC has a lead in points guess he is finally free from his "curse".