Hobby Direction Update
Let me give my friends just an update of my hobby so far.
Currently this are the status of my armies
Dark Elves - Done, collected in depth but still got 1k unpainted
Tomb Kings - Done with one or two units for redundancy (will talk abt it later)
Dwarves - Undone, once done it will achieve TK status
Witch Hunters - 2k force done. No more updates as I got no idea what direction that army is going
Eldar - Surprisingly it is done with a fair bit of redundancy. Once the hawks are completed, the army will stand at 2600-2700 points completed with abt 300 points of minis unpainted. It is actually bigger than Soo's painted collection if I am not mistaken. Nevertheless, I am very undecided on how I should go about with the remaining units and thus I decide to wait for the nxt codex before returning to them
Byzantines - Undone. Now standing at 1.2k but still illegal ruleswise (unless I use the Norman Knights are Crusader allies instead of Latinkoi).
After looking at the long list of armies long, and also a significant list of unpainted stuff I have decided to make several hard decisions. I will as quickly as possible finished the hawks and also the dwarves (at this point only 6 models are left). After which I will (finally) pay some attention to the dark elves as they are long time overdued and also I will return to my Byzantines. The Byzantine army is the one i most desire to work on at the moment but I know that I must be responsible and thus have held them back all this while. I have also made a decision on the tombkings. Despite having a new armybook coming out, I am not going to pay attention to them because as of now, having 3 armies for fantasy is unsustainable. So the tombking will still for the moment serve under "proxy duties" as WAB models (they are a great as proxies mind you, many a time the cavalry get 2+ saves and thundered through the byzantine lines).
I am writing all these down as a reminder. I know I had made some big plans weeks before but given my growing list of family commitments, I must be practical (and I say) responsible about how I spend my time and money.
Currently this are the status of my armies
Dark Elves - Done, collected in depth but still got 1k unpainted
Tomb Kings - Done with one or two units for redundancy (will talk abt it later)
Dwarves - Undone, once done it will achieve TK status
Witch Hunters - 2k force done. No more updates as I got no idea what direction that army is going
Eldar - Surprisingly it is done with a fair bit of redundancy. Once the hawks are completed, the army will stand at 2600-2700 points completed with abt 300 points of minis unpainted. It is actually bigger than Soo's painted collection if I am not mistaken. Nevertheless, I am very undecided on how I should go about with the remaining units and thus I decide to wait for the nxt codex before returning to them
Byzantines - Undone. Now standing at 1.2k but still illegal ruleswise (unless I use the Norman Knights are Crusader allies instead of Latinkoi).
After looking at the long list of armies long, and also a significant list of unpainted stuff I have decided to make several hard decisions. I will as quickly as possible finished the hawks and also the dwarves (at this point only 6 models are left). After which I will (finally) pay some attention to the dark elves as they are long time overdued and also I will return to my Byzantines. The Byzantine army is the one i most desire to work on at the moment but I know that I must be responsible and thus have held them back all this while. I have also made a decision on the tombkings. Despite having a new armybook coming out, I am not going to pay attention to them because as of now, having 3 armies for fantasy is unsustainable. So the tombking will still for the moment serve under "proxy duties" as WAB models (they are a great as proxies mind you, many a time the cavalry get 2+ saves and thundered through the byzantine lines).
I am writing all these down as a reminder. I know I had made some big plans weeks before but given my growing list of family commitments, I must be practical (and I say) responsible about how I spend my time and money.