Vern and his Wonderous Journeys

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check my friendster la. i dun update there for nothing

Monday, January 29, 2007

Saturday 27th Jan 2007

It was a great day which reminds us why we take up the hobby in the first place. We had a 2 v 2 game. Me(Druchii) and Kenf(Beasts) vs Victor(Asrai) and AHX(Ogres). It was a fierce battle ending with a draw.

I had a bad start with AHX using my own forest locking hill trick against me during deployment phase. This will teach me to be careful! Fortunately, I am used with improvision and therefore could still set up the rbts such that the trick was just a small ignorance. Its hard to really comment about the game as the flow of the game was more due to the circumstances present rather than any tactical ingenuity. However I muz mention that kenf's troops soak up most of the pressure allowing my druchii to exploit it. 2 failed stupidity test kinda led my foes underestimate the Coks. Fortunately a lucky turn allow the unit to crush a big chunk of the enemy's right. MY druchii had many lucky breaks, such as the witch elves doing an insane courage vs AHX's tyrant retinue and my spears getting rid of a butcher(w his bodyguards) and Vic's wardancer noble despite getting charged! Kenf was unlucky in the game but he manged to skillfully pull off a flank charge against Vic's treekin allowing us to regain our lead in points during the last turn(but result still draw la). AHX and vic shooting are outrageus especially victor. i lost count of how many wounds he cause. out of 10 arrows, he hit w 7 or 8 and have 5 wounds at long range...and it happen many times!!!

other warhammer stuff. I have finally sent my tombguard home. now all that is left at kevins are my Witchhunters army and some spare models. haiZ i m still getting another box of eldar. I woud need a place to store these models

Monday, January 15, 2007

william's replies

Duke of the Orient: after 6 yrs i thought it has died but i was wrong says:
dun meant to be rude
Duke of the Orient: after 6 yrs i thought it has died but i was wrong says:
do u think God is like a loving parent or a strict teacher
Duke of the Orient: after 6 yrs i thought it has died but i was wrong says:
loving as soft soft kind
William] God, please says:
William] God, please says:
if you are a parnet
William] God, please says:
will you love your child, or be strict with them
Duke of the Orient: says:
i hate to say this
Duke of the Orient: says:
but i will b strict w them
Duke of the Orient: says:
and i feel that its how God treats me
Duke of the Orient: says:
so wad is ur answer to my qn
William] God, please says:
i think
William] God, please says:
you wun be strict with them all the time
William] God, please says:
but you as a parent
William] God, please says:
would be both strict
William] God, please says:
when necessary, when you child is naughty, when you child is doing something that is super dangerous
William] God, please says:
but when your child is hurt, when you child is playful
William] God, please says:
you will show your love in that way.
William] God, please says:
God is that
Duke of the Orient: says:
do he pushes his children
Duke of the Orient: says:
as in push them to the greater heights
William] God, please says:
yes and no.
William] God, please says:
he pushes them forward, stretching them to greater heights
William] God, please says:
but by his grace, he gives the ability for his children to grow
Duke of the Orient: says:
its very clear
Duke of the Orient: says:
another qn
William] God, please says:

Duke of the Orient: says:
do he us to this world to learn and grow. or we happen to be in this world and need God to save us
William] God, please says:
hmm tricky one.
William] God, please says:
I believe God made the world, the universe.
William] God, please says:
i believe God made us. He made us to need him yes, like achild needs a parent.
William] God, please says:
he put us on earth both to live our lives and to learn and grow
William] God, please says:
Adam chose sin, and we fell out of God's glory
William] God, please says:
hey bro
William] God, please says:
i go sleep
William] God, please says:
i will be in school tmr
William] God, please says:
if you want to talk
William] God, please says:
we can talk
William] God, please says:
your questions are pretty insighful
William] God, please says:
i must think about them
Duke of the Orient: says:
mt tml la
William] God, please says:
Duke of the Orient: says:
but i will save the conversation
William] God, please says:
. i see you, today actually
William] God, please says:

William] God, please says:
think of more questions

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A Week of Extreme Disequilibrium

Today is only Wednesday but the week thus far has been disastrous. First and foremost, I do not have a single proper module. together with technical problem with CORS, it took a total of 6 bidding rounds for me to finally get my 5 modules. DErfel is right, the administration has been bz speeding up the timetable(dunno for wad) resulting in a series of screwed ups. A average bidding round last for a day, compared to a day and a half as it was in the past. till now, i have not gotten my timetable up nor have i bought my txtbooks. I am still trying to get modules that have a lower workload so that I can spend my time on non-academic matters such as job hunting.

The most serious problem was Dr Cremers who played me out and insist on me dropping the thesis. There is nothing much I can do since she simply refuse to sign the pink form. It was so unfair but there are simply no alternatives, the 2nd best option of coz would be to do ISM since i will still be doing a research of some sort. Now I am trying to psy myself out of this trauma. It is a really sad thing consider the number of books and journals i have already read, hours spent making the pre-regressions. I believe i had spent more that a week over the hols just on thesis alone...well wat's left of it. it is no encouragement in that now Dr Cremers was swarmed by many other ism proposals. She is damn stress now and I forsee that she has a lot less time for both me and Chris. I rarely dun wanna do this on a blog but i juz gotta do it. F*** Clement. YEs Lim Hanyang. I dunno wat's wrong with his EQ. He is giving our prof unneccessary stress and thus negative externalities to the rest of us. When I look at his "overlapping generations model", I could tell that its clumsy and flawed straight away. He just refuse to believe so...and insist that he is correct. the worst thing is that he insist on using the screwed up model for ism...his choice you say but it means that Dr Cremers has less time for us...forcing us to be even more indpt. and we all know that Clement is a "attention" guy, he will definite plague prof with qns...something that will definitely happen given his model.

Final problem, money. As my academic career draws to a close, my allowance began to trickle to almost nothing. Expenses are going to come to a halt. I have many minor problems such as the need to get/rent new storage space since kevin's is closing, the need to finish my exorcist...not to mention $ to go out. to have just enough $ to cover my basic expenses is giving me lots and lots of inconvenience. I just hope when new yr and my pay will tide me over somehow.