Flamer Tanks
I have finished painting some flamer tanks which I will be using them as Hellhounds. The good thing about these is that being so small, I did them in just 1 day 2 nights, not considering that I spend most of the day cooking and bringing the family out. Anyway here's the pics
Here's the background of the Hellhound in the 40k universe.
The Hellhound is an Imperial Guard flame tank, based on the chassis of the Chimera. It is armed with a large flamer known as an Inferno Cannon, discharging lethal self-igniting chemicals to flush out infantry in dense terrain and urban combat zones. It is feared by all enemies because of its ability to cover a wide area with flames and cause horrific losses to units that cluster together.
The Hellhound is used by both my Baran Siegemasters and the main Death Korps of Krieg armies. It is ideally designed to support the guardsmen in assault. In the DKOK armies, the hellhound is the only assault vehicle that can keep up with the fast riding Death Rider squads. I was at the receiving end of the Hellhounds many times in my Warhammer 40k games, it is good to be on the other side in Epic 40k!
Here's the background of the Hellhound in the 40k universe.
The Hellhound is an Imperial Guard flame tank, based on the chassis of the Chimera. It is armed with a large flamer known as an Inferno Cannon, discharging lethal self-igniting chemicals to flush out infantry in dense terrain and urban combat zones. It is feared by all enemies because of its ability to cover a wide area with flames and cause horrific losses to units that cluster together.
Hellhounds are typically organized into either dedicated Hellhound Tank companies or support squadrons for armoured or mechanised companies, but will rarely fight together as a complete unit. Most commanders take a flexible approach to Hellhound deployment, attaching them to other units in an ad hoc fashion as needed.
A select few Guardsmen have the foolhardy bravery (or insanity) to willingly volunteer to crew a Hellhound. Those who do take perverse pride in their reputation, claiming others simply "can't take the heat" as they gun their vehicle towards the largest concentration of enemy forces with pyromaniacal zeal.
The Inferno Cannon mounted on the Hellhound's turret has a short range, but can spray its chemical fire over a wide area, filling every nook and cranny with flaming death and incinerating troops sheltering within buildings or behind cover. It is fed by a large Promethium tank in place of the Chimera's troop compartment, with a large enough supply to give the Hellhound amble endurance during extended battles. While the large capacity overcomes the typical ammunition problems of other flame-throwing weapons, it does make the Hellhound a tempting target, as enemy fire can easily ignite the stored promethium and create a huge, super-heated fireball. For this reason not only is the fuel tank armoured but the Hellhound itself boasts thicker armouring than found the Chimera, along with a much larger engine.
In addition the Hellhound is also fitted with a hull-mounted Heavy Bolter, though in some models this is replaced with a Heavy Flamer or Multi-melta.
The Hellhound is used by both my Baran Siegemasters and the main Death Korps of Krieg armies. It is ideally designed to support the guardsmen in assault. In the DKOK armies, the hellhound is the only assault vehicle that can keep up with the fast riding Death Rider squads. I was at the receiving end of the Hellhounds many times in my Warhammer 40k games, it is good to be on the other side in Epic 40k!
Labels: Epic