Vern and his Wonderous Journeys

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Friday, August 21, 2015

Sisters Repentias for Warhammer 40K Completed

Enough said.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

AOS Battle against Lawrence's Khorne Bloodbound

This is the Age of Sigmar, the end of the Warhammer World.

True to his orders, "Emperor" Basil sent the troops under his command into the eight realms to do battle against Sigmar and Chaos.  A contingent consisted of Wood Elves and Lizardmen met and gave battle to a huge Khorne Bloodbound warband led by Lord Lawrence.  Attached below are shots of the fierce battle.

The armies faced off.  My army is lead by a Glade Lord with a contingent of Eternal guard and a whole host of lizardmen.  Key units include the bastiladon and my hammer unit, the Kroxigors.  Lawrence's force consisted of two starter sets worth of Khorne bloodbound with the exception of  characters where he simply have one of each.  Lawrence's deployment is space out, he had solid assault troops spearheading his flanks and his center.  In contrast I bunched up my forces together.  My eternal guard was stationed onto a small hilllock where my general has LOS to shoot.  Kroxigors are deployed in the middle to help out in whatever direction if needed while the salamanders, skinks and bastiladon stay behind for targets of opportunity.  The saurus were at my right to guard against any flankers from Lawrence's left.  I did not occupy the skullhill because it was too tall and a unit require significant movement points just to scale up and down the terrain piece.  I rely on it as a form of defence to slow down my opponent.

After two rounds of shooting with not much impact other than some dead bloodreavers, Lawrence charge in with his two monsters and blood warriors. I had send my kroxigor to the front as I reasoned Lawrence's monster will not have enough attacks to kill the krox fast enough to regain wounds.  The eternal guard on my left is simply me making do with a bad situation, i need to have a unit to screen my force and eternal guard were just available for the job.

I lost many eternal guard in lawrence' turn and elected to fall back during my turn,  I then countercharge with my Saurus and bastiladon.

My counterattack did not do much, we traded some blows but i am unable to seriously take out any of his units except 1 of the monsters.  During his turn, he charge in with the bloodreavers while his last remaining monster proceed to carve the eternal guard.

This picture was taken after 2 full turns (me followed by him and me again then him).  In his attack phase shown in the previous pic, his monster fluff many attacks and my eternal guard held.  During my turn, my skink mass shooting plus some other support fire manage to destroy his monster.  My eternal guard then proceed to countercharge.  More casualties on both sides, then during his turn his general charge and killed my bastiladon while his 2nd unit of blood warriors finally manage to scale the skullhill.  During my turn i killed off his general and all his initial group of blood warriors as well as the red bloodreavers by shooting and some close combat.  In his turn, he brought the last unit of blood warriors into the fray.

Lawrence threw all his attacks on my eternal guard and eliminate them.  However I manage to eliminate his remaining troops by shooting (thanks to the skink priest, the skink mass fire and the gladelord's bow of loren). This picture show the final charge of my army on his last model.  For two combat phase we are unable to kill each other's last character.  However Lawrence conceded when we are approaching turn 7, this is because he reasoned that i can make my skinks fall back...mass shoot/magic and charge him again.

Thus it was a great victory for my forces.  Basil was proud of his victory as he do not met success in battles often.

Wednesday, August 05, 2015

2nd AOS. Lord Draken's execution

This is the period of Sigmar, the end of the Warhammer world.

In his great compassion, Lord Vern open the portals of Ebay and allow refugee lizardmen to flee into his realm.  Slowly but surely Lord Vern build entire regiments of saurus and skinks.  However it made his wood elven subjects very upset.  Pooling their resources together, they fortify themselves in a corner of Slaver's Lair while an taskforce was sent to seek the aid of the exiled Lord Draken and his mercenaries.

Vern immediately order the Byzantine "Emperor" Basil to offer battle with the rebels, a small Byzantine force manage to storm the Wood Elven fortress (via AOE2 engine) killing thousands of elves and some of their mercenary auxillaries while a stronger mixed force of Lizardmen and Druchii went into the forest to capture the renegade Lord Draken.  Below depicts the skirmish battle

Deployment.  The Imperials lead by Basil trapped the renegades at the foot of the mountain.  The renegades manage to sneak a force of shades in ambush

The shades shot down 2 dark riders while the eternal guard attempt to charge.  They roll a double 6 and contacted the darkriders

Both sides suffered casualties but held

The saurus and krox then countercharge.  They murdered the eternal guard who fled (fail battleshock) 

Revenge! The shades shot and eliminate the dark riders

Seeing that he is at a disadvantage, Lord Draken ordered a charge at the spears while the corsairs charge the Kroxigors.  At this point the Druchii lord realise his mistake (this is an honest mistake, i did not script this)

He absolutedly murdered the spears but he will get counter-charged next turn/  Meanwhile the corsairs are not doing well and fled (they sux in AOS)

Executioners (and Basil and crossbowmen) charge while the lizardmen finish off the last corsair

Executioners roll many 6's and killing blow all the cold one knights.  Lord Draken is the only one left.

I am awesome! Draken kills some executioners while the shades kill 1 saurus in shooting

Lord Draken broke the executioners.  The crossbowmen and Basil were out of combat when the COK were killed.

In the Imperial turn, Basil ordered the crossbowmen to shoot.  Draken has 1 wound left.

Imperials then charge with everything that can reach.

Draken passes all saves until finally Basil's horse kicked and cracked his skull.  The Druchii Lord is dead!!!

I decide to finish the game.  Shades move backwards and shoot, killing 4 saurus.

After 2 turns of chasing the saurus finally made it...

and finished off the shades.
Letter from Emperor Basil to Vern

Lord (Mr) Vern

I have defeated and executed Lord Draken.  I have also obtained the surrender of 320 traitors.  Unfortunately I lost the new dark riders regiment, a big chunk of the executioners and all my druchii spearmen.


Vern to Basil

Hi Basil,

Good job.  No worries about the casualties.  I am sending you fresh reinforcements about 1720 men.  I want you to lead the soldiers at Slaver's lair for my wars against Sigmar and Chaos.  You have more than 3500 men under your command now, lead them well.